The Photographs below I made for various classes at the University of Minnesota. You can see more of my photography work on my Flickr Page and Instagram Page.

St Paul, MN – Sunday, October 1, 2017 – Victor Sanchez Castro looks toward the finish as he slows to a walk after his leg cramps less than half a mile from the end. He worked through the cramp and ran through the finish with a time of 2:47:48. Photo by David Minor.

St Paul, MN – Sunday, October 1, 2017 – Weston Lodermeier and his grandmother, Jean Lodermeier, watch for friends running in the marathon, including one friend who is running it for the first time. Photo by David Minor.

St Paul, MN – Sunday, October 1, 2017 – Marathon runners run the last stretch toward the state capitol, and the finish line. Photo by David Minor

Minneapolis, MN – Thursday, September 21, 2017 – Joe Vokracka changes a headset at Varsity Bike and Transit in Dinkytown. The shop has gotten busier since the semester started again. He will likely be sharing a drink with coworkers after the shop closes tonight, he said. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, October 11, 2017 – In intaglio printing, the design is etched into a copper plate using acid. Jessica Klutch, an art student at the university, aligned the inked plate with a piece of paper to run it through the press. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, October 11, 2017 – Drying racks hold paper and prints in the printmaking studio in the Regis art building. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday September 11, 2017 – University of Minnesota student Kevin Beckman writes features for the Minnesota Daily. He is in a photojournalism class because he wants to be a professional journalist, he said, but does not have photography experience. He wants to gain enough photographic skills to be competitive as a journalist. Photo by David Minor

St. Paul, MN ¬– Thursday, October 19, 2017 – Alise Nuanes and Tyler Schildt, both freshmen at the U, stopped by for a bite of corn between classes. Nuanes is studying Psychology and Schildt is studying Biology. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – A group of protestors gathered outside of Anderson hall, where conservative Youtuber Lauren Southern was giving a talk. She was invited by CFACT, a University student group. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – More police showed up about half-an-hour before the police announced over a loudspeaker that the speaker was off campus. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – Some protestors tried to get into Anderson hall by the tunnel system connecting to it from nearby buildings. Photo by David Minor.

Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – Police lined up with face shields and batons, separating the Washington Avenue bridge from the group of protestors. Photo by David Minor